Monday, March 29, 2010

AHH! Spring

Today was gorgeous...and it's just's supposed to get better every day! The temperature is predicted to hit 79 degrees this week! WOW!



We went outside to play for a while. Ava loves to color so she has been able to enjoy her sidewalk chalk with this awesome weather. Thanks to Nana, she likes for me to draw "Ava"...





She is so glad to be able to get out and run! She loves to be outside...and I am so glad to be able to entertain her with less brain power. :)


Monday, March 22, 2010

Under the Big Top

Ava saw a commercial on t.v. for the circus and it had an elephant on it. She got so excited. We decided we would give it a try and take her to the circus to see the elephant. Despite not having a nap in 2 days and having very late nights...we couldn't have asked for a more well behaved little girl.

Grandma and Grandpa joined us for the outing. Ava was so anxious to see the elephants, although she wasn't too keen about the lights being turned off. She kept asking me to "turn lights on". We watched the acrobats, bears, tigers, elephants, and saw a clown jump on the trampoline. She talked about all those things on the way home! She even remembered without prompting that the clown jumped and his pants fell down...What a fun night!!




Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ava's night with Daddy

Daddy/Daughter night! They went to the City Museum and spent LOTS of time in the slide room. Ava burned lots of energy and loved the Alligator slide!




Saturday, March 20, 2010

At the Gym

We were invited to celebrate a friend's 3rd birthday at the Little Gym. We had so much fun. Ava loves the equipment and the challenge of the balance beam. She wanted nothing to do with the activities prepared for them, she kept running off to climb!

Here she is marching around to climb back on the balance beam...

She's trying to hang from the bars...we're not there yet but it won't be long!

That concentration looks professional. I am amazed at her coordination.

She did let the girl help her do a backwards roll...she loved it! Even went a couple times :)

Trying to climb up all by herself :)

Look, she doesn't even look at her feet...what confidence!

All the kids lined up behind the birthday boy to march to the birthday cake.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cute little stories...

Just a few little funnies to share!

Every morning after I fix Ava's hair, I always make her turn around and let me see her. I always tell her "Oh, how pretty!". A few mornings ago, while I was fixing my hair, she came into the bathroom:
Ava: "mommy fixing hair"
Me: "yes"
Ava: "mommy so pretty"
Those little brains really are sponges! She remembers EVERYTHING!

After dinner one night we went out to buy a birthday present at Target. As we were walking in Ava saw the moon. She said "I see moon!" When we came back out after shopping, she looked up in the sky and said "where's the moon?" Dave said "it must be hiding"...I said "let's look for it". All of a sudden Ava exclaims "PEEK A BOO!" Yep, the moon was hiding and it was all a game for her!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big Girl Changes...

We have made a lot of changes around here lately... Ava is growing up, she's not a baby anymore :( So, we are getting her into the "big girl" routines. No more high chair - she sits in a booster chair at the table. She can even drink out of an open top cup... wow!

Here are a few pictures of her eating big girl tacos...she ate 3 tacos!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why we LOVE spring!

The spring weather has been teasing us over the past few weeks...we took advantage of this great weather to grill out!

Ava loves to help and she followed her daddy around all night while he grilled...even helped him clean the grill :)



Cuddles with Lily

This is a HUGE milestone for our dog, Lily...she growls more at Ava than at the doorbell ringing :) Just recently though, she has decided that maybe cuddling with Ava is just as nice as cuddling with me!

Cool Shades

Talking on the phone

Monkey See, Monkey DO!!

Guess she's seen me multitask while talking on the phone...she's got that shoulder hold down pat. Here she is talking to Nana and Pawpaw.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ok, I'm a slacker and I totally admit it. I promise to be back soon with more pictures and stories of what a precious "little girl" Ava is turning into!