Monday, July 28, 2008

Proud Baby

Doesn't she look proud to be sitting in her new high chair. Ava loves to be at table level now, she can see everything we're doing. It helps with her feeding schedule too. Now she has cereal from a spoon twice a day and it's more like our meal schedule. Where have the past 51/2 months gone?? Of course, this is the before's much messier when we are finished :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Ava's first baseball game. Dave's work had a morale booster. We went to see the River City Rascals...they lost but it was fun anyway. She saw her second round of fireworks but wasn't as interested - it was too light outside. She'll see her first major league game in September (well maybe, depends on how mobile she becomes).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pool Ready

Isn't she lovely?! Ava is ready for the beach whenever we can get her there. ..maybe she'll settle for the pool this summer. Doesn't she look like a natural sun bather? Must take after her Mommy. She already exhibits a great love for the water - especially running water, it calms her. She has learned to take her sunglasses off, which she does promptly every time I put them on her. Our friend Linda bought Ava her first bathing suit...and she picked it perfect for Mommy - because it's purple :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Live Theater

WHOA Daddy- watch those curves!! This must be what Ava thinks of her Daddy's driving :) We were on our way to dinner before going to the Muny Opera when I turned around to check on Ava...this is how i found her. We laughed so hard! She looks like she's holding on for dear life -

Ava's first trip to the Municipal Opera - The Muny. It is an outdoor theater where they perform 7 different stage shows in 7 weeks during the summer. Our babysitter called us in the morning and told us she was sick so we decided to take Ava with us. We are exposing her to culture early! She was fabulous...she did become quite a busy body after about 25 minutes, which made it a long night. And because it was so hot, we tried to walk around as much as possible to catch those breezes. They have these huge fans that come on at intermission - Ava loved the wind. Her hair was blowing and it would take her breath...she just laughed! I wouldn't trade that moment for anything!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Time for cereal

Ava isn't sure what to think about the camera, she always reaches for it when I get it out. Can you tell it's time for cereal. She enjoys her cereal, she gets it from a spoon one time a day in the evening. I can't believe that she is learning to "eat" instead of drink from a bottle. This picture demonstrates how big a mess it is to learn to eat from a spoon. Isn't she growing up to be quite a little lady - haha! Maybe her mom should do a better job feeding her~

Monday, July 14, 2008

Preparing for Mobility...

Well, it won't be long now~she will be off and running way too soon! Ava has learned to get up on all four and do that pre-crawl "rock". She's quick but I managed to get this picture. Her expression almost says..."oops, I'm caught". She is learning to reach for everything, especially my water glass. She's not so sure she likes the water but she sure loves trying it!

And she is making huge efforts to sit unsupported, I was able to get a quick shot of this too...of course she looses her balance after about 10 seconds but its a definite milestone :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Girl

We are so blessed to have a happy baby!! She is full smiles and giggles :) I especially like this picture because it looks like she is waving.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is Ava's very special Christening gown. "Aunt" Pammie picked it up in Venice, Italy!!Hopefully to be an heirloom.

Our sweet girl was baptized on July 6, 2008. She was such a doll. She stayed awake through the ceremony and fell asleep almost immediately when we returned to our seat. We hosted a BBQ at the house after church and Ava slept through her party. We want to thank all our friends and family that were able to share this precious day with us.

Second Tooth

Baby Girl's 2nd tooth has come through. She is such a trooper. The only difference we've noticed is that she plays more with her bottle and sometimes sleeps more. Other favorites: her exersaucer! She loves to explore her new toys and stand up. She is quite independent and likes to learn what she can do for herself. What a sweet little miracle. We are finally recovering from her first cold. A little runny nose and cough but she again suffered without complaint...

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Allergy attack

She must be like her mom...she has had a runny nose, watery eyes, and a pitiful little cough most of the weekend. Bless her heart, she even slept through her Baptism party...

Loved the Fireworks

Ava LOVED the fireworks!! She actually watched them, she would hear the pop and turn her head just in time to see the color explode. She would watch until the color disappeared then turn away until the next display. It was the cutest thing!! We had a lot of neighbors shooting fireworks so there were lots of beautiful sights to see.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

We hope that ya'll have a safe and fun 4th. Ava is looking forward to her first fireworks. So far she seems unphased by the loud "pops" going on in the neighborhood. She has started to notice bright lights so it will be interesting to see if the color catches her attention tonight. Hope everyone is well. Sending hugs and desperately searching for ways to get my pics on line!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First Tooth?!

Well, we are growing fast and furious. Ava is cutting her first tooth...bottom right. It seems as if she is changing right before my eyes. I LOVE watching her explore her environment. She can laugh out loud, react to "games" (she likes when we play peek a boo), and make rasberries. She tries to imitate facial expressions - especially smiles! My favorite...she has learned how to cough and now she does it for attention. Mommy - what a glorious role!