Monday, March 22, 2010

Under the Big Top

Ava saw a commercial on t.v. for the circus and it had an elephant on it. She got so excited. We decided we would give it a try and take her to the circus to see the elephant. Despite not having a nap in 2 days and having very late nights...we couldn't have asked for a more well behaved little girl.

Grandma and Grandpa joined us for the outing. Ava was so anxious to see the elephants, although she wasn't too keen about the lights being turned off. She kept asking me to "turn lights on". We watched the acrobats, bears, tigers, elephants, and saw a clown jump on the trampoline. She talked about all those things on the way home! She even remembered without prompting that the clown jumped and his pants fell down...What a fun night!!




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