Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yogurt Baby

What a *fun* evening we had tonight!

I came home with a ton of groceries this afternoon and decided to let Ava have some yogurt while I put the food away. She loves yogurt {usually} and likes me to put it in a "bowl" so she can feed herself. This is what I found soon after I put her yogurt in front of her...
...yep we got a bath very quickly!

On a happier, cleaner note - Ava can count to 5. She likes to sing. Her version of Row, Row, Row You're Boat is "row row dream". And she adds a little personal touch to Jingle Bells.

This morning as we were getting dressed {I was *helping* her put on her socks} she looked at me and said "socks first". Such a smarty!!

After her bath, Lily started barking...Ava said "Dada home?" She really catches on quickly. I am amazed at how she learns, remembers, and tells me how smart she is. We are so blessed to have such a sweet, loving, and amazing gift!!

1 comment:

Kami said...

OHMY! I am not sure whether to laugh or cry over that one!!!