Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pancake Breakfast

As I have learned in my own life we always experience "firsts". So, even though we have reached one of the most celebrated "firsts" in Ava's life - the first birthday - we are still experimenting with new things everyday.

This morning for example was her first pancake breakfast... umm...looks yummy huh?? I must say, that is one thing my mom taught me well was a *perfect* pancake :)
I made her a special "Ava" size pancake and handed it to her. I wasn't sure what she would think of it. She's really funny about textures sometimes. And I must admit I was nervous giving her the whole thing...she likes to stuff her mouth full with cheerios...
But, as you can see, she took a dainty bite and thoroughly chewed it before taking a second bite...

then a third, so on and so forth...

And in the end, I think pancakes were a success!!

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