Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I feel so behind in my posting...and I am sorry that I don't have a picture to post. But I will share a story with y'all.

Today I took Ava and Lily for a walk, yes...quite a feat in itself I know...and for the first time Ava noticed Lily's leash. It is one of the retractable ones - she grabbed at it several times and even put the string part in her mouth a couple was especially cute but I didn't want her to burn her lip when it slid back in. It can be a brutal burn! She thought I was a mean momma though, she protested every time I took in away from her. Thankfully Lily always calms down and eventually walks beside me so it wasn't a problem for long.

The second thing Ava noticed on our walk today was the sunshade on her stroller. When we walked into the sun, I put it in front of her to block the sun from her eyes. Today she was very intent on chewing on the plastic part of it... She is very aware of her surroundings and loves to learn new things. I love watching her helps me see everything in a new light.

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