Monday, September 29, 2008

Sittin' patiently

Miss Ava continues to demonstrate a very laid back and calm personality...I give her dad TOTAL credit for that!! After her naps, she just sits in her crib and talks...this is how I typically find her. She isn't in a huge hurry to climb or get out, it's almost as she enjoys "her" time. Look how happy she looks. And...she can sit and entertain herself for a good 30 minutes. Sometimes I feel neglectful but she just talks to and laughs at her toys so I let her develop those skills.
Below is her most recent milestone...a sippy cup. We have been trying it for about a month with formula, now we have added some water with ice. She likes to hold the cup and play with it. She is able to get the liquid but she definitely prefers her bottle. Today she signed the sign for milk (1st time) while we were sitting at the table ~ she was in her high chair and I was feeding her squash. I think that she was a little confused and must have meant "eat" but it was enough, I praised her and gave her another bite!

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