Friday, September 12, 2008


Okay, so this may not be funny to many people but I'm the momma and I want it in writing forever!! Today as I was giving Ava her lunch bottle, I got the hiccups. At first I was irritated as I usually am when I get the hiccups, then I was getting frustrated with Ava because she kept playing with her bottle. Once I stepped back from the situation and really thought about it, I realized that she wasn't "playing" with her bottle...she was taking it out of her mouth to laugh - AT ME!! Every time I hiccuped she would take her bottle out of her mouth and laugh! We laughed together today. This was the first time that she laughed spontaneously without being directed by play. It was such a precious moment we could share, all because I had the hiccups. Tears of joy and pride fill my eyes to think of what a sweet little sense of humor Ava is developing. It will be a long time before I can get hiccups without remembering this dreary, gray, Friday that my daughter and I laughed together.