Monday, September 8, 2008

Baby Sign Language

Tonight at church Ava and I attended our monthly new mom's group. We always have such a great time with all our friends and it's such a blessing to watch all of our babies grow and develop in such a unique way. The oldest of our little ones is 10 and 1/2 months old and the youngest is 3 and 1/2 months old. Mine of course, right in the middle...does that mean she'll experience middle child syndrome with her church friends?? Anyway, tonight we had a lady introduce us to baby sign language. We learned the basic signs: eat, drink, milk, juice, more, all done, water, cracker, and play. Then we learned some more advanced for later: cookie, cereal, ouch, shoes, socks, bear, car, bird (her kids are really into animals), ball, and all the emotions. I don't know how much we will teach Ava...because as a speech path, I feel that she needs to learn speech and language as early as she can, but I am sure that it will alleviate some of those frustrating moments when Ava can't tell me with words what she wants. But it was truly a fun night and I enjoyed the presentation. I always look forward to these nights ~ first of all, Dave and I are both at the church in meetings, and secondly I love the company of other moms!!

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