Friday, October 31, 2008
Ava's First Halloween
What a successful night!! The weather was gorgeous and the families were out to enjoy this special time together. I think it is fabulous to watch all the neighbors get out and enjoy a night as a family and get to know each other...and visit one last time before the winter drives us all indoors! We walked around the neighborhood...just visiting this year. We wanted to go early so Ava would be happy and we could be home in time to hand out candy at home. Here are a few pictures of Ava's first Halloween... Enjoy!! We hope that ya'll had a fun and safe night.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Halloween at Grant's Farm
Grant's Farm puts on a great "ghoulish" Halloween exhibit. We joined our Friends and dressed Ava up in her costume to brave the chilly, crisp night to find out how Grant's Farm does spooky! Ava slept through most of it...but we were glad to have Grandma Carroll here to share the night with us.

Fun with Grandma Carroll

Sleepy Baby!!
Fun with Grandma Carroll
Sleepy Baby!!
Bee Tree Park
Our fun times at Bee Tree Park. We wanted to get some pictures with all the beautiful fall colors and Ava playing with leaves...well, we struck out. The leaves weren't all that colorful at the park we chose. And, well, let's just say that Ava would rather eat leaves then play with them...
Ava's Antics
Well, I can't say that I have kept ya'll updated well in the past couple apologizes. I have a couple stories to share-
First, Ava has found the stairs. As I was folding laundry a few days ago, I noticed that Ava was exploring the house as she usually does. Then I realized that she had found the the time I got from the couch, around the chair to the stairs she had already made it up the first three!!! I think she might have gone all the way but I distracted her, she turned around, and lost her balance...good thing I was standing right there.
Then, a day or so later... She loves to play with Lily's water bowl. Well, she found the food. Lesson here...NEVER leave babies unattended to explore - good thing we don't because she had a piece of dog food in her mouth. I didn't freak out, I figure its a right of passage.
And of course...she has found her sense of humor. Today we were driving to the park with Lily and Ava...Ava thought that it was great to have company in the backseat. She laughed out loud for a good 5 minutes trying to get Lily to play with her. Lily is getting more tolerant but she still doesn't spend much time with Ava right now.
First, Ava has found the stairs. As I was folding laundry a few days ago, I noticed that Ava was exploring the house as she usually does. Then I realized that she had found the the time I got from the couch, around the chair to the stairs she had already made it up the first three!!! I think she might have gone all the way but I distracted her, she turned around, and lost her balance...good thing I was standing right there.
Then, a day or so later... She loves to play with Lily's water bowl. Well, she found the food. Lesson here...NEVER leave babies unattended to explore - good thing we don't because she had a piece of dog food in her mouth. I didn't freak out, I figure its a right of passage.
And of course...she has found her sense of humor. Today we were driving to the park with Lily and Ava...Ava thought that it was great to have company in the backseat. She laughed out loud for a good 5 minutes trying to get Lily to play with her. Lily is getting more tolerant but she still doesn't spend much time with Ava right now.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We spent a nice Sunday together as a family...our sweet little angel didn't want to take a nap but we did alright anyway. We decided in church that this would most likely be here last time in "big" church. She is a great baby, really quiet, and likes to listen intently to the preacher...however she has become quite the mover, wanting to get up and down, go back and forth between mom and dad, and grab at the Bibles, Hymnals, and offering envelopes. Next week, we have to try the nursery! After church we had lunch with our church group at the Incredible Pizza...its the new Show Biz/Chuck E Cheese. Then we had supper with Grandma and Grandpa, and got to enjoy eating outside. And we did it ALL with NO NAP!
Here she is all ready for church...sitting so nicely on her changing table with mom and dad super close by in case she decides to reach out...

Grandpa was up in the attic and pulled down an old rocking chair...we thought that Ava might be ready for it in a couple of months. She showed us, she climbed right in and gave us the cheesiest smile I've ever seen from her.

One SLEEPY nap all day, it shows in her eyes. She didn't stop, she came on through the legs of the table and kept investigating the new space.
Here she is all ready for church...sitting so nicely on her changing table with mom and dad super close by in case she decides to reach out...
Grandpa was up in the attic and pulled down an old rocking chair...we thought that Ava might be ready for it in a couple of months. She showed us, she climbed right in and gave us the cheesiest smile I've ever seen from her.
One SLEEPY nap all day, it shows in her eyes. She didn't stop, she came on through the legs of the table and kept investigating the new space.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
First Finger Foods
I bought Ava some of those Gerber Graduates Puffs today. She did great. I was impressed...I thought she might have some trouble with coordination picking up the tiny pieces. But no! She went right for it!! She wasn't really excited about the taste or texture...but she thought it was quite novel to be able to "feed" herself. She is growing up TOO FAST :)
Our Little Pumpkin
We spent a fabulous summer (I mean fall) day (high 83 degrees) at Eckert's Fun Farm today. I am trying a slide show in order to maximize the pictures you can see. We saw a pumpkin cannon shoot pumpkins 100 feet, we watched the pony rides (too young this year...), we rode a small tractor through an apple orchard, then we rode the BIG tractor to pick our own apples then on to the PUMPKIN PATCH!! Ava had her first taste of apple...she wasn't sure what she thought about it ~ although she did come back for a second and third taste. In the pumpkin patch we sat her down in the midst of several pumpkins, she didn't mind at all...she even tried to eat the vine. What an amazing day!! I am already looking forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
EIGHT months!!!
Ava is 8 months old!! Happy 8 month baby girl! I love you so is such a privilege to be your Momma. I know you aren't reading this today but maybe someday this blog will be a favorite place for you to "surf".
Ava is quite a happy little girl. This morning we stepped on the scale and I weighed 19 pounds heavier when holding her...19 pounds, that means you have tripled your birth weight. Way to grow!!
You have found so many things that you love to explore. Just today I found you taking all of your toys out of the basket (which isn't all that new) and then you inspected each one of them before taking another one out. You were just amazed at all the new things that you found.
You have also learned how to make a "smack" sound with your lips. And you can suck on your lips and make this little sucking sound...that is so fun to watch you do. You have started to watch me and your daddy and try to mimic us and our facial expressions, especially smiles! This afternoon, you were fascinated with a plastic grocery bag that was on the bar stool, you tried your hardest to get to it...but all you could do was pull on it. You eventually got a pair of your new pajamas out of it. I was watching you carefully but you have much determination...
Here are the most updated pictures:
I think you wanted to help with the caulking of the holes I put in the wall by wanting to hang the curtains higher...I don't understand why your shoe is in your mouth but it was too cute.
Ava is quite a happy little girl. This morning we stepped on the scale and I weighed 19 pounds heavier when holding her...19 pounds, that means you have tripled your birth weight. Way to grow!!
You have found so many things that you love to explore. Just today I found you taking all of your toys out of the basket (which isn't all that new) and then you inspected each one of them before taking another one out. You were just amazed at all the new things that you found.
You have also learned how to make a "smack" sound with your lips. And you can suck on your lips and make this little sucking sound...that is so fun to watch you do. You have started to watch me and your daddy and try to mimic us and our facial expressions, especially smiles! This afternoon, you were fascinated with a plastic grocery bag that was on the bar stool, you tried your hardest to get to it...but all you could do was pull on it. You eventually got a pair of your new pajamas out of it. I was watching you carefully but you have much determination...
Here are the most updated pictures:
You are learning to pull all the books off the shelf. I was able to get your attention and it looks like you are trying to suck your lips and make that sweet little noise you've mastered.
What a MESS!!! This is after you pulled all your toys out of the basket. At one point you even stood on them. You love to play so we keep just a few toys downstairs...for easy clean up.
Daddy tried to take a picture of the Mohawk he gave you after washing your face. You can't see it really well on the computer but I remember it!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I feel so behind in my posting...and I am sorry that I don't have a picture to post. But I will share a story with y'all.
Today I took Ava and Lily for a walk, yes...quite a feat in itself I know...and for the first time Ava noticed Lily's leash. It is one of the retractable ones - she grabbed at it several times and even put the string part in her mouth a couple was especially cute but I didn't want her to burn her lip when it slid back in. It can be a brutal burn! She thought I was a mean momma though, she protested every time I took in away from her. Thankfully Lily always calms down and eventually walks beside me so it wasn't a problem for long.
The second thing Ava noticed on our walk today was the sunshade on her stroller. When we walked into the sun, I put it in front of her to block the sun from her eyes. Today she was very intent on chewing on the plastic part of it... She is very aware of her surroundings and loves to learn new things. I love watching her helps me see everything in a new light.
Today I took Ava and Lily for a walk, yes...quite a feat in itself I know...and for the first time Ava noticed Lily's leash. It is one of the retractable ones - she grabbed at it several times and even put the string part in her mouth a couple was especially cute but I didn't want her to burn her lip when it slid back in. It can be a brutal burn! She thought I was a mean momma though, she protested every time I took in away from her. Thankfully Lily always calms down and eventually walks beside me so it wasn't a problem for long.
The second thing Ava noticed on our walk today was the sunshade on her stroller. When we walked into the sun, I put it in front of her to block the sun from her eyes. Today she was very intent on chewing on the plastic part of it... She is very aware of her surroundings and loves to learn new things. I love watching her helps me see everything in a new light.
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