We spent a nice Sunday together as a family...our sweet little angel didn't want to take a nap but we did alright anyway. We decided in church that this would most likely be here last time in "big" church. She is a great baby, really quiet, and likes to listen intently to the preacher...however she has become quite the mover, wanting to get up and down, go back and forth between mom and dad, and grab at the Bibles, Hymnals, and offering envelopes. Next week, we have to try the nursery! After church we had lunch with our church group at the Incredible Pizza...its the new Show Biz/Chuck E Cheese. Then we had supper with Grandma and Grandpa, and got to enjoy eating outside. And we did it ALL with NO NAP!
Here she is all ready for church...sitting so nicely on her changing table with mom and dad super close by in case she decides to reach out...

Grandpa was up in the attic and pulled down an old rocking chair...we thought that Ava might be ready for it in a couple of months. She showed us, she climbed right in and gave us the cheesiest smile I've ever seen from her.

One SLEEPY baby...no nap all day, it shows in her eyes. She didn't stop, she came on through the legs of the table and kept investigating the new space.
1 comment:
She sure is a cutie!!
But I agree her eyes look T I R E D at the end of the day! Almost glazed over. Poor baby! I bet she slept good Sunday night. :)
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