Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ava's Antics

Well, I can't say that I have kept ya'll updated well in the past couple apologizes. I have a couple stories to share-

First, Ava has found the stairs. As I was folding laundry a few days ago, I noticed that Ava was exploring the house as she usually does. Then I realized that she had found the the time I got from the couch, around the chair to the stairs she had already made it up the first three!!! I think she might have gone all the way but I distracted her, she turned around, and lost her balance...good thing I was standing right there.

Then, a day or so later... She loves to play with Lily's water bowl. Well, she found the food. Lesson here...NEVER leave babies unattended to explore - good thing we don't because she had a piece of dog food in her mouth. I didn't freak out, I figure its a right of passage.

And of course...she has found her sense of humor. Today we were driving to the park with Lily and Ava...Ava thought that it was great to have company in the backseat. She laughed out loud for a good 5 minutes trying to get Lily to play with her. Lily is getting more tolerant but she still doesn't spend much time with Ava right now.

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