Ava is quite a happy little girl. This morning we stepped on the scale and I weighed 19 pounds heavier when holding her...19 pounds, that means you have tripled your birth weight. Way to grow!!
You have found so many things that you love to explore. Just today I found you taking all of your toys out of the basket (which isn't all that new) and then you inspected each one of them before taking another one out. You were just amazed at all the new things that you found.
You have also learned how to make a "smack" sound with your lips. And you can suck on your lips and make this little sucking sound...that is so fun to watch you do. You have started to watch me and your daddy and try to mimic us and our facial expressions, especially smiles! This afternoon, you were fascinated with a plastic grocery bag that was on the bar stool, you tried your hardest to get to it...but all you could do was pull on it. You eventually got a pair of your new pajamas out of it. I was watching you carefully but you have much determination...
Here are the most updated pictures:
You are learning to pull all the books off the shelf. I was able to get your attention and it looks like you are trying to suck your lips and make that sweet little noise you've mastered.
What a MESS!!! This is after you pulled all your toys out of the basket. At one point you even stood on them. You love to play so we keep just a few toys downstairs...for easy clean up.
Daddy tried to take a picture of the Mohawk he gave you after washing your face. You can't see it really well on the computer but I remember it!!
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