Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ava's taking a trip

Well, our vacation time has officially arrived. We have packed our bags and made our way to the airport. Ava is super excited to see all the airplanes. She keeps walking past the windows saying, "AIRPLANE!!" We got some pretty fun looks as people grinned obviously reflecting on being a first time traveler.


She thought the plane was super fun. I had her carry-on bag loaded with coloring books, small toys, her favorite books, and her new Rapunzel barbie that she got just for the trip. She sat in the seat like an old pro; even insisted on buckling her seatbelt all by herself! Imagine that...Little Miss Independent!

I packed a sippy cup and some fruit snacks to help with the ears during take off. She couldn't wait to get into the fruit snacks... I tried to explain to her each step that we were taking to get into the air. I told her that the plane would drive around then stop and wait until the pilot was told to "GO", then we would drive really fast until the plane took off and we flew up into the air. As we taxied down the runway, she kept asking, "are we going fast now?" Needless to say, when we really started going fast...I didn't have to tell her. She began to giggle hysterically and it became contagious quickly. All the folks around us visibly softened as they began to smile and watch her. As we lifted off, she was proud to inform everyone "WE'RE FLYING, MOMMY!"

She was very content in the air. She colored and enjoyed some apple juice that the flight attendants offered her. She didn't ask too many questions about the plane or the bumps as we experienced turbulance.{Although, one look at the onboard toilet and she was convinced she would never go potty again, it terrified her.}

The landing was a bit unnerving for her. I did as before, tried to explain things as they were going to happen. I told her that the wheels of the plane would touch down with a little bump and the pilot would put the brakes on and we would drive to the gate. She seemed ok with that...UNTIL the wheels touched down with a solid thud!! Her eyes were as big as saucers. She wasn't sure how to respond...I quickly started giggling and said "whee!" and she hesitantly started laughing too :)

It was the most fun I think I've ever had flying. Watching my little girl be so excited and happy made me experience it in a whole new light.

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