She loves to play with her tea set. She even pours "tea" into her cups and pretends to take a sip. She takes the spoon and pretends to take a bite off the plates! It's priceless to watch. Today I saw her sharing her tea with her dollies. Apparently she is waiting on Daddy to come home because she's holding the tea party at the back door. Then, just like the good little helper she is, she cleans up her mess!!!
She is also a very good little Mommy. She must have an excellent role model ;) She will get her dollies (every single one she can find) and a blanket (yes, one blanket for each dolly...we are very consistent) and put them "nite nite". Sometimes I even hear her singing a song to them...usually it goes like this: "row row row row boat hmm hmm hmm hmm dream". She will cover them head to toe and pat them on the back... a little rough at times, but we will work through that eventually. She has also learned recently to put her dollies in "time out". Now, I know this must come from daycare because she has sat in time out a total of maybe 3 times at home. And...they ALL have to go, not just one...ALL of them. Maybe she's not such a good mommy, I mean really, if you're gonna have that many kids at least control them! :)
1 comment:
So cute! I love love love the pigtails!
Aunt Jen and Uncle John
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