Got my toes! I always get Ava's toes when we do diaper changes and in the bath tub. Ava discovered that she too can put her toes in her mouth...
Ava loves to climb. Her newest trick is to pull her doll stroller up to the coffee table and pretend it's a chair. She sits on it and pats/bangs on the coffee table and giggles. She has started testing her boundaries by standing up in the stroller. It is a BIG no-no but I had to get a quick picture before I made her get down...
Ava has several new accomplishments:
*she can say "hi", "momma", "dadda", and "hello"
*she signs Milk, More, and Eat consistently and appropriately
*she babbles a ton {finally}
*she says "e-i-e-i-o"
*she can walk on her tip toes
*she points to her nose, mouth, ears, and tummy when asked
*she blows kisses, waves night night; bye-bye; & hi
*she can almost get her shoes on...she'll have it figured out soon!!
1 comment:
Ava is precious! When you visit Enterprise next, let me steal her for a playdate with my puppies. Paaaahhhh-please!!!
=-) Crys
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