Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More antics...

Tonight at bath time, Ava copied my actions. This was a first and of course - NO camera!! What kind of mother am I??? She took the wash cloth and dipped it into the water and wiped her left eye, dipped the cloth back into the water and then wiped her right sweet!

Last night she did laps around the coffee table. It must have gone on for about 10 minutes. It was really funny, she would do a couple laps then sit down like it was rest time then she would get started again. Funniest thing...after each rest break, she would start going in the opposite direction!

I didn't realize how much she likes to follow a routine until nap time today. Ava likes to sleep with a "dolly". Well, I noticed that hers was getting a little more smelly than I'd like. I washed it...tried to put her down several times while it was in the wash with no luck. Tonight when it came out of the dryer I gave it to her immediately...which means she got it downstairs before heading up for bed. She was so happy to see her "dolly"...she laughed and hugged it very tightly. It wasn't until I went to check on her just now and she is still clinging to it that I realized we need to have a couple extra of those on stand by!

Well, now I'm off to bed...hoping my rest is as wonderful as Ava's seems to be!

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