Today you are able to stand alone, you can walk behind your doll stroller and climb the stairs. I think that you would climb into your crib and into the bathtub with a little more practice...slow down, what's your hurry??
You are still about 19 pounds. You have started to eat corn and chicken with sweet potatoes. You aren't real crazy about fruit but I am sneaking it into your cereal in the morning...sneaky huh? You love to drink from a sippy cup. You love to have a few sips then pass it to like to share. You love to eat the Gerber puffs, you humor me and try the fruit pieces but you don't care much for them!
You like to play peek a boo, so big, and pat a cake. You love to listen to me (of all people) sing Row Row Row your Boat in the car. At night, we lay you down in bed and you go straight to sleep...I couldn't ask for more!!
Here are some fun pictures from today...
You love your doll stroller, especially now that you can walk behind it!
Standing up all by yourself...holding a favorite - the remote :)
Although you are starting to learn about walking, this is still your favorite way to get around. You can almost tell by this picture how fast you are!
Believe it or are actually laughing in these pictures. I just got you in the middle of waving your hands. You were "talking" to Lily, she was playing with her rope and you wanted to play too~
1 comment:
I love that she has a doll stroller! She is just too cute!
I'm so glad we got to chat today. Have a GREAT rest of your week. :)
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