Monday, November 17, 2008

40 Weeks

This past weekend my family had the pleasure of getting together for a wedding in Tennessee. It was a great time. Ava was so good, she really loved getting to play with her Aunt Jennifer and Uncle John...but I especially loved watching Nana and Pawpaw enjoy Ava. She got some "prizes" from them - a doll stroller and a puppy dog that sings with her. She has mastered standing with the stroller and even pushing it several steps. She is getting braver with her independent standing, she stood for almost 8 seconds before gracefully making a controlled motion to sit down. I realized that Saturday, November 15, 2008 Ava was 40 weeks old. That means I have had her with me longer than I was pregnant with her. And just like my pregnancy, this time has flown by and yet seems like she's been with us forever. I pray that our family will continue to be blessed like it has been the past 40 weeks!

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