We are thrilled to celebrate 7 months (and 1 day) with our sweet baby girl!! She continues to grow at an alarmingly fast rate. I don't know if I signed up for Ava to be this independent~ At 7 months she is pulling up on everything and trying to "cruise" the furniture. She has learned how to clap ~ not only does she do it on her own, she imitates me. She has a growing fascination for our dog, Lily...However, Lily does not share that fascination...she would rather Ava steer clear. We were at our friends house last night and Ava had the most fun with Matt (see the cutie pie she is cuddling with on the couch in a previous post), he would go behind the couch and play peek-a-boo, she just laughed and laughed. We also have this little game that we play when I put her in her carseat...I close the door and then we play peek-a-boo, again...she laughs out loud...I love it!Now, she's awake from her nap and calling to me...guess I will run and enjoy more time with sweet babyAva...
Trying to "cruise" the furniture...sometimes I think she'll bypass crawling - she is too anxious to see what's out there.

A close up...holding on tight to the coffee table.

This is one of the few times that she's actually smiled on cue for the camera!! Usually she just reaches for it :)

Yeah for Ava...she loves to clap her hands...
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