Isn't she lovely?! Ava is ready for the beach whenever we can get her there. ..maybe she'll settle for the pool this summer. Doesn't she look like a natural sun bather? Must take after her Mommy. She already exhibits a great love for the water - especially running water, it calms her. She has learned to take her sunglasses off, which she does promptly every time I put them on her. Our friend Linda bought Ava her first bathing suit...and she picked it perfect for Mommy - because it's purple :)
She is a total beach babe. What an AWESOME friend to buy her such a cute little swimsuit.
She is lovely! Looks like she is ready for some fun and sun, smart girl. Can't wait to see her again in person. Looks like she is ready for a trip to the beach to me.
-Uncle John
What a cutie!!!
Okay we need the matching suits for my girls! That is just too cute for words. You need to get her a blow up baby pool for the back porch. She would love splashing her feet in it. I bought one at Wal-Mart for less than $ 15 last week. They are already on clearance. I agree with John - I think she is ready for the beach!!!
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