Saturday, August 27, 2011


Here we are...SLOWLY ending summer. We are soaking up all the fun FREE things to do around here. We spent Saturday at a community event called "Ride On! St. Louis" It's a group that provides therapy horses for occupational therapy. They had some local vendors, fun things for kiddos, and a therapy exhibition.

The Fire Dept. was there and let the kids get close and personal with the truck. They showed them where the hoses are kept and let them climb inside...even showed them the seatbelts the firefighters wear.

Getting her arm painted. It was a HOT day and she decided that maybe her forearm would be a little "cooler" than her face! Smart kiddo...

She got to play a few carnival games...and everyone was a winner!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random August

Here are a few random shots to complete the month of August... *sigh* I know...I'm behind AGAIN - sorry

One sleepy little girl with her new "Belle" doll! She loves to dress in all the princess dresses but this week, Belle's her favorite!

This little cutie patootie is my nephew! Isn't he a doll?!

Ava was getting settled in at Nana and Pawpaw's house. She looks so grown up climbing on those stairs!

Face painting at daycare!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Helping Mommy in the kitchen


Even Princesses help out around our house :) This is her favorite job!

Waking up on the sunny side...

Every weekend morning, Ava is a blessing to us - She stays in her room playing or reading until we go up and get her. It is nice because she entertains herself and lets us catch up on a little resting. Most mornings I find her playing with toys, dressed up as a princess, or being "mommy" to her dollies. This morning I went upstairs camera in hand hoping to catch a rare moment of peacefulness...this is what I found!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011



Ava is very ready for gymnastics. She has been begging to go back all summer!! Looking like a star to me :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A whole week at Nana and Pawpaw's

You are gone this week visiting Nana & Pawpaw...I miss you like CRAZY but I know you are having a blast. You won't even talk to me on the phone because you are having so much fun. You have met some new friends and gone on some adventures. You help Nana at work every day and go with Pawpaw to feed the chickens. I am so proud of how brave and adventurous you are! Can't wait to get you back home though!!!

You even went swimming at Aunt Libby and Uncle Mike's. Your cousins Dax and Riley came down to play and swim. Looks like swimming was super fun :)

Cheesy Swim


lifes a float