We went to the Shriner's Circus this year with our friends, the Harmon's. Ava and Maddie are only 2 months apart in age. We try to get them together as often as possible so we take advantage of fun playdates... One Super excited young lady. She has already pointed out the tigers, elephants, ponies and clowns. She can't wait to see what else will be revealed as the night begins.
Two Big Girls in big girl seats. Ava noticed the numbers on the back of the seats about half way through the circus and insisted that she sit in seat number 3 because she was 3 years old. What a smarty pants... we lucked out that Maddie was ok with this; she's still technically 2.

Tigers...they were so calm and patiently waiting their turn...good thing they went first.

Ava was amazed at the trick riders...Don't worry, she WILL NOT be trying this at home.

And, no circus is complete without the clowns...