We went to Atlanta to visit Uncle John & Aunt Jennifer and to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our baby cousin. We got to see Aunt Jennifer's tummy and tell Baby Brady that we can't wait to meet him~!
Here are some really sweet pictures to share...
While we were there we found a park for Ava. She is always learning something new and this time it was how to "pump" her legs!!
Well, let me say that Ava is too accustomed to staying in hotels. This morning when we went down to the lobby to have breakfast I asked what she wanted. She informed me, without hesitation, WAFFLES! Apparently we stay too frequently :) When we came back to our room later in the afternoon, we found this. The housekeeping staff must know just how special Bear and Dolly are to us...
Happy Birhtday to my sweet baby girl. You have grown into such a beautiful little 3 year old. You are so smart, you remember everything and you are so loving to all your "babies". I hope you are seeing those traits in me and your daddy :) You are the light of our days...
You've grown to do so much this past year. Your vocabulary has taken off. It may be well advanced for such a young girl. For example, last week when it snowed, we got our shoes a little wet while jumping through the snow. When we came into the house...you made sure to take your shoes off...or in your own words, "I have to take my shoes off OTHERWISE I will get snow in the house". Other words you favor recently: actually, in stead of, episode.
You are very good at using your manners. You say "please" and "thank you" a lot. When prompted you are able to use "yes Ma'am/sir". But mostly you use "excuse me" and "Bless You" appropriately. You are very caring. If you are playing with your dollies, you will often ask them "do you want a blanket"? And, you always ask me and daddy questions about our well being...so grown up coming from such a sweet little girl.
You are potty trained...well, kinda! You are still working very hard at being successful. We like to encourage you with candy and special treats (painting fingernails). I am so proud that you take such pleasure in being successful!