Creeping down the stairs to see the gifts...
Ava sees her wagon...
By this expression...I'm guessing it was a hit!
Opening gifts :)
What's that face for? Probably pouting because we *made* her open her gifts...when all she wanted to do was sit in her wagon.
A CHEESY face... couldn't resist. We always tell her to say cheese for the camera - but this time it was really cheesy!
We've taught Ava that this is day that Baby Jesus was born so it's HIS birthday. We didn't want her to get too confused about the gifts so we told her that we get to open Baby Jesus' presents and celebrate His birthday because He lives in our heart. She has amazed us by retelling that to us like she really "gets" it. I am such a proud Momma!!
We hope that you all have been blessed this Christmas season with the most amazing and precious gift of all...Merry Christmas from our family to yours.