Dave's request for Father's Day this year was to be together and do something as a family. He choose to go to the Magic House which is the Children's Museum. There are a lot of hands on fun things to do for children of ALL ages :)

Ava gave "PeePaw" a work out using all the different pulley systems. We learned with our own body weight that more pulleys = easier lifting!!

As if we don't spend enough time in the water...

They had a little house set up. Everything was just "Ava size". She had fun sitting at the table drinking her juice and making phone calls.

PeePaw taught Ava about electricity. She liked the ball but she LOVED turning all the knobs and watching the lights go on and off :)

Play time with balls and hoops. Ava knows just what to do with these.

We learned about all the different sections of an orchestra and got to hear each section isolated when we sat on different seats. It gave whole new meaning to musical chairs...

Ava made music with so many different things. She played a very large wooden piano, a huge guitar, and with Daddy's help turned a big wheel to make music with a baton.

Jack and the Beanstalk...
Ava climbed this indoor beanstalk.

She needed a little encouragement...

but soon had the whole climbing thing down pat. I think it took a bribe and snack to move on :)