We visited church with the Brakemeyer's tonight to see "The Music of Christmas". Ava loved the music. She danced and shifted from one lap to another. Our friends came over for Christmas Eve lasagna. Matt and Ava exchanged gifts...Ava gave Matt the "Hungry Hippo" game and had tons of fun playing with him!
Christmas Number Two: Christmas Morning
Ava had such excitement on Christmas morning. She was still trying to wake up at first but once we showed her how to tear into the paper, she was an unwrapping machine!
She loves the car her Nana and Pawpaw gave her! It's her first set of wheels...can we count on ya'll again in about 15 years?? Look at that smile :)
Oh! Look at that excitement...Ava has her own chair!
What fun it is to unwrap presents!!
She already knows to go to Daddy for help opening those difficult little twisty ties that hold the toys in the packages! ;)
Look at her...she is ALL girl! Talking on the phone with her foot up in the seat with her...
Christmas Number Three: Christmas Afternoon
We spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We got to see Uncle Mark and Aunt Nancy! It was such a fun time. Ava got lots of lovin' and spoilin'...just what is supposed to happen at the grandparents!
That smile sums up our day! Ava was a doll and she loved Christmas time in general. She loved to see all the lights outside and on our tree. She learned quickly how to turn our lights on and it soon became the first thing she asked for each morning. I so enjoyed watching her experience the joy and excitement of Christmas this year! I look forward to hearing her share that laugh and excitement with us more in 2010...