A very sweet, but a little sick, Ava...cuddling with Uncle John.
Watching t.v. - ok, in her defense, there are so many of us now that somebody has to sit on the floor. Well, the not so bright grown ups do anyway...Ava beat that system by sitting in her doll stroller :) Smart kid!
Ava loves to "play" Mommy. I guess this is when I see what she has learned from me. Lucky for me...she loves to give kisses, hugs, and tuck her babies in to sleep. Here she is giving her baby a kiss... And, just like me, she has her "bag" under the stroller. Monkey see monkey do!
She loves to blow her own nose...here she is trying to blow Uncle John's nose...looks like she enjoys being on this side of the tissue :)
Riding her "truck" on Nana and Pawpaw's *FLAT* driveway and sidewalk...we have nothing but hills around here.